Town of Newton
Zoning, Building Permits & Inspections
Newton Zoning Information
Our Zoning Administrator is Michael Slattery. Please call or text: 920-323-7039. If you have specific questions about zoning, please email.
Conditional Use, Variance and Zone Change Requests require an on-site inspection and a public hearing. The process takes several months. Allow yourself enough time. There is a charge.
- Variance Request: $300.00
- Conditional Use Request: $400.00
- Zone Change Request: $400.00
New Zoning Ordinance Books are available.
The cost is $30.00. Photo-copies: 25 cents per page.
Book: $30.00, Floppy: $10.00, CD: $10.00
Land Division (Major & Minor)
Conventional Design: $12,000.00
Conservation Design: $15,000.00
$25.00 Charge to furnish abstract companies with special assessment information. $2.00 Charge per parcel for mortgage companies who request information about the amount of taxes their mortgage holders owe to the Town of Newton. Town will retain fees.
Land Use Plan Book: Charge subject to cost of printing.
CD: $10.00
Note: A copy is available at the Manitowoc County Library.
Newton Sign Permits
Signs are a part of the Town Zoning Ordinance. The question is which signs require a permit and which ones don’t.
Signs in Business and Industrial Districts require a permit and must be approved by the Plan Commission. Signs are limited to 100 square feet of sign face and include wall projecting and ground signs. There is a sign permit fee.
The following do not require a sign permit:
- Agricultural signs that pertain to the sale of farm products and not more than 32 square feet.
- Real estate signs not more than 8 square feet.
- Bulletin boards for public, charitable or religious institutions.
- Memorial signs, tablets and names of buildings if cut into masonry surfaces.
- Election signs with property owner permission.
- Banners when authorized by the Plan Commission.
Flashing signs are not allowed and no sign shall contain moving letters or parts.
If you have a specific sign question contact the Zoning Administrator at (920)323-7039.
Newton Building Permits
A town permit is required for any new structure or an addition to an existing structure and any addition to an existing structure or improvements to property that have a value over $1,000.00. Effective September 1, 2004 the Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code was adopted. All new homes need to be inspected. Permits are also required for changes that affect the market value of your property. Contact the Zoning Administrator, Mike Slattery at (920)323-7039 to see if a permit is required.
Effective January 1, 2005 the Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code requires all new homes to be inspected by a licensed building inspector. The fee is $500, which includes the $50 Town fee.
The following documents must be submitted to the Zoning Administrator for completeness and then are forwarded to the Building Inspector who verifies the preliminary plan information.
- Three (3) sets of legible drawn-to-scale building plans.
- A completed Wisconsin Uniform Building Permit Application.
- Completed Department of Commerce Energy Permit.
- Plot plan showing the location of the dwelling and any other buildings on the site with respect to adjacent property lines.
- Erosion Control Plan.
- A copy of the County Sanitary Permit.
- A copy of the Town Zoning Permit.
Building Permit Fees
- New Home/Business $100.00
- Any Other $10.00
- New Construction - Bldg. $1,060.00
- Single Family Duplex (escrow included) $1,160.00
- Additions/Attached Garage $500.00
- Windows/Header Change $75.00
- Special One Time Inspection $60.00
- Outdoor Wood Burner $125.00
- Wood Burning Fireplace $125.00
- Address Sign: $69.00
- Sign: $20.00
- Address Sign Installation $100.00
(Includes post & sign) - Outdoor Wood Deck $200.00
(attached or detached)
Assessable Items: Permit Required
- New homes, garages, sheds, barns
- Additions (any change to the footprint of the building)
- Decks, porches, car ports, canopies
- Replacing older siding with aluminum or vinyl siding
- Substantial modernization of kitchens or baths
- Central air-conditioning
- Fireplaces
- Extensive remodeling
- Recreation rooms or finished basement
- Window replacement if size changes or the type of glass changes (single pane to double, etc.)
- Outdoor furnaces
Maintenance: No Permit Required
- Repairing Walks
- Repairing gutters and downspouts
- Repairing porches and steps
- Repairing original siding
- Patching or repairing interior walls and ceilings
- Exterior painting
- Replacing electrical fixtures
- Replacing furnace
- Repair or replace weather stripping, screens, storm windows, doors
- Exterior landscaping
- Replacing existing shingles
Additional Fees
The applicant shall be responsible for reimbursing the town for engineering, inspection, legal, and administrative costs incurred by the town. A sanitary permit is required from Manitowoc County Planning and Parks Department for the addition of bedrooms. The Town of Newton requires building permits for all construction that is not considered minor repairs or general maintenance.
Additional Permits
Burning Permit You need to have a burning permit for any burning project not contained in a barrel or pit. Burning permits can be obtained from any of the fire chiefs, at Hi-Way 42 Garage, Stock's Manufacturing, Pine River Dairy, or the Town Shop and Recycling Center. If you have any questions you can contact Tom Hochkammer at 920-374-0109, Nick Smith at 920-901-2285 or Dan Stock at 920-374-1296.
Moving Permit A moving permit is required for all buildings being moved on roads within the Town of Newton. Said permit may be obtained from the Zoning Administrator. The Sheriff's Department should also be notified about such a move.
Wrecking Permit Any building being torn down; removed, or burned by the Newton Fire Department should obtain a wrecking permit from the Zoning Administrator. There is no charge for this permit. Obtaining this permit ensures that the building will be taken off of the tax roll.
Pond Excavation Permit Any pond excavation with a depth over 4 ft. shall require a permit. A completed application along with a rough sketch of the proposed pond (7 copies) must be returned to the Zoning Administrator at least 20 days before the next Planning Commission meeting.
Building Inspections
Inspections required for the following:
- Footings before pouring.
- Foundation before backfilling.
- Rough-in stage (general construction, plumbing, electrical and heating).
- Occupancy inspection within five (5) business days after notification from permit applicant.
- Two additional inspections included as needed.