Town of Newton
Road & Highway Maintenance
Driveway Culvert Permit
All residents in the town must have a permit for installing new driveways, new culverts or extending, replacing or repairing existing driveways or culverts.
RESOLUTION – February 5, 2020
Winter Maintenance Policy for the Town of Newton
The Town of Newton’s goal is to maintain the roads in as good a winter driving condition as weather, equipment and budget allows.
Weather reports issued by the National Weather Service shall be taken into account when preparing for each storm. Snow removal will begin when a sufficient amount of snow has accumulated to make the removal operation productive. Each storm, being different, will be treated in a different manner. This policy will be adjusted to meet specific storm circumstances.

Service during off hours will be minimal and only provided when extreme storm conditions arise or in emergency situations when the request(s) are received from the appropriate emergency agency (Fire Department, Police, etc.). Operation may be suspended or reduced in severe storm conditions when there is danger to operators or it is not practical or cost effective to continue. The responsibility for ordering personnel and equipment into service shall rest primarily with the Road Superintendent or his designee.
Due to cost and storage limitations, the Town does not apply straight salt to the roadways. The Township uses an abrasive sand treated with just enough salt to keep the sand from freezing in the pile, and to keep the sand workable. Sand is applied only at curves, intersections, hills and steep grades. Some melting of snow and ice may occur from the salt in the sand mixture, but bare roads should not be expected.
The Town will not be responsible for replacement or repair of any mailbox damaged by flying snow or slush during the removal of snow from the Town roads.
When there is no doubt that the plow or wing did hit a mailbox, then the Town will furnish the owner of said mailbox with a plain steel or poly box of the same size. If there is no doubt that the plow or wing hits and breaks off a post then the Town will furnish the owner of said post with a six foot four by four treated post.
The Township will not take any responsibility for removal of snow that Is plowed into private driveways from the road clearing operation.
Stalled or stranded vehicles will not be moved by Town equipment unless it is an emergency situation. If vehicles are presenting a hazard or blocking the roadway for snow removal, County Traffic will be notified and the offending vehicle will be towed at the owner’s expense.
State Statute prohibits the plowing of any snow from driveways onto the Town roadway. Those doing so are liable for fines and possible damages in any occurring lawsuits.
Dated this 5th day of February, 2020.