Town of Newton Garbage & Recycling
Town of Newton Recycling Center
The Recycling Center is located at 6315 Center Road Manitowoc, WI. The center was opened in March, 1990 and is located across from the Town Hall.
Garbage bag stickers are $1.50 each, and can be purchased from the attendant during hours of operation.
Garbage & Recycling Hours (Saturdays only)
November 1 - March 31 *no large items accepted
8:00 am - 3:00 pm
April 1 - October 31
8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Large items accepted April 1 - October 31. Closed on holidays. Closure due to severe weather will be announced on Radio Stations WKTT, WOMT, and WCUB.
Old Landfill on Newton Road
Open on the 2nd and last Saturday of each month during daylight savings time from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm.

Disposal of Tires
Tires are not accepted at the Recycling Center, but can be recycled for a charge at the following:
Manitowoc County Waste Tire Collection
April - October
Burning Barrels
Burning Barrels May Be Purchased For $10.00.
Burning Barrel Screens May Be Purchased For $10.00.
Waste Tire Collection
Manitowoc County Recycling Center
Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Saturday 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
For More information download the flyer or visit
Town of Newton Transfer Station & Recycling Center
NOTE: This list is subject to change at any time.
Items Not Accepted
- Fluorescent bulbs
- Dehumidifiers
- Air conditioners
- Refrigerators of any kind
- Tires
- Skunks in bags
- Syringes or medical sharps
- Oil based paints and varnish
- Chemicals
Plastic Bin - Items Not Accepted
Plastic Bin - Items Accepted
- Plastic wrappers
- Plastic children's toys
- Lids to any container
- Any container holding new or used motor oil
- Plastic storage bins
- Plastic buckets of any kind
- Loose plastic grocery bags.
- Any plastic jugs in which the neck is smaller than the base
- Plastic jugs in garbage bags
- Plastic jugs should NOT be tied together.
Glass Bin - Items Not Accepted
Glass Bin - Items Accepted
- Ceramics
- Windows
- Pyrex
- Plate glass
- Candle jars
- Metal lids
- Standard glass bottles and jars, clear & colored
Aluminum Items - Items Not Accepted
Aluminum - Items Accepted
- Aluminum foil
- Pie tins
- Aluminum roaster pans
- Aluminum siding
- Pet food containers
- Sardine cans
- Aluminum lids
- Empty aluminum cans ONLY
Paper Bin - Items Not Accepted
Paper Bin - Items Accepted
- Any food containers (pizza boxes)
- Oil or paint soaked cardboard
These items go into the trash compactor.
- Flattened boxes
- Bound or bagged newspapers
- Bound or bagged magazines
- Books
- Shredded paper (bagged)
Place bags with opening to back wall
(opposite the entrance) on their side.
Metal Bin - Items Not Accepted
Metal Bin - Items Accepted
- Propane tanks
- Syringes and medical sharps (human or animal)
- Electronics (see attendant)
- Food containers (soup cans, etc.)
- Any item containing 50% metal or more
- if unsure of anything, see attendant.
- Larger items left outside of bin (see attendant)
- Large aluminum items
- Aerosol paint cans
There are separate places for electronics and cans.
Tin Can Bin - Items Not Accepted
Tin Can Bin - Items Accepted
- Aluminum beverage cans
- Non Paint aerosol cans
- Aluminum pet food cans
- Holiday tins
Please throw all items to back of bin. No tin cans in metal items bin.
Trash Compactor
- Basic trash in bags with Town of Newton sticker
- No recyclables
- No dead skunks
- No electronics
Please review lists above.
If there are recyclable items in your garbage bag, we will not accept it. We have the right. No electronics in garbage compactor, this includes batteries and anything with a cord. We have a separate place for batteries. Please see attendant when bringing up any of these items. Recently, cardboard juice and milk cartons have been accepted in the plastics bin. If you have any questions about these lists, PLEASE SEE ATTENDANT! Attendant reserves the right to reject large loads for the compactor.
We accept batteries of all kinds for free.
Large Items Bin - April 1 through October 31
There is a charge for all items in this bin. Please see attendant before using this bin.